
Mobile services continue

A mobile service has been rendered by the employees of the Shirvan Regional Migration Department to people with health problems, the elderly, low-income citizens and citizens living in remote areas in Sabirabad, Saatly and Hajigabul districts, which are included to the service area of the department. 8 families were provided with decisions on "Determination of a person's affiliation to citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan" in Sabirabad city, Zalgaraghaj, Chol Beshdali, Chichakli, Gazli villages, Saatli city, Mir Jalal village and Hajigabul city. 2 persons were given the list of required documents for obtaining permit for temporary residence, 1 person – for obtaining permit for permanent residence. 1 foreigner, living in the service area, was explained the migration legislation and necessary recommendations were given to legalize his/her residence in the country. The persons, to whom mobile service was provided, were informed about the innovations in the field of electronic applications applied by the State Migration Service in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. It was emphasized that ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of people is a priority.

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