
Press conference dedicated to the results of 2020 held at State Migration Service

At the beginning of the event, Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov gave detailed information on the activities implemented in migration sphere in 2020, results achieved and statistics, as well as noted that migration processes was one of the most affected areas during the ongoing pandemic in our country, as well as around the world in 2020. He said that in addition to systematic measures taken by the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers, consisting of representatives of relevant government bodies, established by the Mr. President in the framework of measures to combat the new type of coronavirus, migration processes were kept in focus, as well.


Chief of the Service noting the timely and successful implementation of the tasks set by the country leadership to the State Migration Service last year, highlighted that in the reporting year, increasing transparency and citizen satisfaction, improving legislation, further simplification of administrative procedures, creating conditions for foreigners to effectively exercise their rights, implementation of measures for the widespread use of electronic services, as well as various social projects continued.


Furthermore, Vusal Huseynov released the main statistics of the last year. He noted that in comparison of the first two months of 2020 with January-February of 2019, although there has been an increase in the number of foreigners visiting the country (15% increase) and the number of applications to the Service, during the pandemic, this trend has declined due to restrictions on entry and exit from the state border. Thus, compared to 2019, the number of foreigners and stateless persons entering to the country decreased by 4 times, registration upon place of stay by 4.7 times, as well as temporary residents by 16%, permanent residents by 18% and those who received work permits by 9%. In addition, there was an 87% decrease in applications for refugee status.


The Chief of the Service stressed that awareness raising activities were intensified and all e-services were updated and simplified during the reporting period in order to protect the health and safety of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as citizens of the country, to ensure their comfort and minimize the reasons for leaving home. The list of required documents has been optimized and concessions have been made. As a result of the improvement of e-services, the number of e-applications for extension of temporary stay, work and residence permits increased by 8.5 times compared to 2019. Due to the increase in awareness raising and the sharp escalation in the number of calls received during the pandemic, the 919 Call Center was switched to an intensified mode of operation, manpower and technical capabilities were improved, as well as its activities were organized in accordance with the requirements of the day. Today, the Call Center is also open to international calls, and continues to operate in uninterrupted mode. During the reporting year, the number of calls to the Call Center increased by 2.2 times and amounted to 244,398 calls. Thanks to the work carried out by the State Migration Service to improve the service, the State Migration Service showed the highest results in 2020 (85.54%), as in the previous two years according to the outcome of assessment on the “ASAN Service” index.

Noting that online meetings were held with the participation of a total of 138 representatives of employers and the education sector on the possible difficulties faced by them during the pandemic and issues  concerning them, the Chief of the Service said that useful discussions on the activities of the Service were held with the Public Council, as well.

Later, Vusal Huseynov spoke about the results achieved by the Service in the field of international cooperation. Noting that the State Migration Service was elected as a member of the Steering Group of Global Forum on Migration and Development, where migration and development issues are discussed globally, V.Huseynov also underlined that during the reporting period, the "Supporting the Establishment of a Regional Training Center on Migration in Azerbaijan" project, which is developed in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration, was launched. He also stressed that as a follow-up of the successful outcomes of the “Support to the implementation of Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE)” Project, the "Enhancing Technical and Institutional Capacities on Migration and Border Management (ETIMAD)" Project, taking into account the existing priorities in the field of migration management,  was agreed upon accordingly, and will be implemented in cooperation with the International Center for Migration Policy Development in the first quarter of this year.  


Vusal Huseynov also noted that the need to apply for an extension of the temporary stay of foreigners in the country, who cannot leave the country due to the obvious reason, has been eliminated, as well. Thus, the period of stay of 59.963 foreigners in the country was extended without their application. He said that appropriate measures have been taken to enable these foreigners to leave the country as soon as possible after the removal of restrictions on the state border. As a result of the conditions created for foreigners to legally stay and reside in the country, as well as the preventive measures taken to prevent them from becoming illegal migrants and partial restrictions on measures against illegal migration, the number of decisions made by the State Migration Service in violation of the requirements of migration legislation decreased by 51%, during the last year.

In 2020, persons received refugee status in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as their family members were provided with a "Travel Document" enabling them to travel outside the country.

Noting that the implementation of social projects during this period was also a priority in the activities of the State Migration Service, the Chief of the Service underlined that the "Migration School" Project continues in online format, as well as 125 low-income migrant families were provided with assistance with the participation of the “Migration Volunteers” Public Union, as well as various actions and projects were implemented by the volunteers.

Informing that the official website of the Service has been updated, as one of the steps taken to strengthen awareness-raising, Vusal Huseynov also emphasized the launch of a new website (, which explains migration procedures for foreigners in a simple was and aims to promote Azerbaijan's tourism and investment potential.

The Chief of the Service gave detailed information about the issues to be realized in the future. At the end of the event he answered the questions of media representatives.


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