
To the attention of foreigners and stateless persons staying and residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan

In accordance with the measures taken to tighten the special quarantine regime in the Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Mingachevir, Shirvan cities and Absheron district, as well as in Lankaran, Masalli, Jalilabad, Shaki, Zagatala, Guba, Khachmaz, Yevlakh, Barda, Bilasuvar and Ismayilli district centers (except for villages and settlements) from 00:00 December 14, 2020 to 00:00 January 18, 2021, by the Decision No. 488 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 8, 2020, foreigners and stateless persons staying and residing in the country are requested to take into account the following related to the activities of the State Migration Service:

  1. Foreigners are recommended not to leave home in order to use migration services, but to prefer to use e-services (link for e-services:
  2. Persons willing to submit the relevant documents by approaching to the reception divisions can apply to “ASAN service” centers, in case of absence of such centers to the regional migration departments in the areas of their residence.
  3. Foreigners and stateless persons residing in other cities and districts except for Baku, Ganja, Guba, Shaki, Lankaran, Shirvan, Mingachevir, Yevlakh, are not required to submit relevant medical reference while applying for temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits (it is necessary to provide relevant medical reference when the ready permits are collected in person).
  4. The examination of knowledge of foreigners applying for a permanent residence permit, on their rights and obligations envisaged by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as on the state language, and the courses thereon are postponed. Those who want to obtain materials related with the course can contact (012) 566-37-74 on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00.

Foreigners willing to temporarily leave their place of stay or residence on the mentioned dates must send an SMS message to 8103 to obtain a permit. In this case, an SMS message is sent to 8103, after the number 1 (2) respectively by noting the number of the relevant document after the abbreviation OYQ (registration upon the place of residence), MOM (temporary staying period), MYI (temporary residence permit) or DYI (permanent residence permit) in accordance with the status of stay and residence in the country. Abbreviations must be written in English letters. On the link below, the process is explained via video instructions (

It is important for foreigners to have identity documents with them when they move.

Foreigners who are registered upon place of stay, as well as in respect to whom a decision was made on extension of their temporary staying period, can obtain the number of the abovementioned documents by using the "application tracking" e-service on the official website of the State Migration Service ( In this case, it is important to include passport number, date of birth and citizenship. Video instruction related to this process is available in this link.  

Foreigners residing in the country with temporary and permanent residence permits should apply for the extension of these permits through the "ASAN service" centers and regional migration departments or electronically before the expiration of these permits.

In addition, we would like to note that the stay of foreigners (who paid the relevant state fee) in the country, whose temporary staying period (visa period or 90 days) has been extended for 60 days is considered legal without additional application and payment of state fee until the restrictions on movement at the state border are lifted.

For detailed information you can call the (012) 919 Call Center, request information via online guide on the official website of the Service, as well as MigAz mobile application. The Call Center of the State Migration Service will continue to provide uninterrupted service during the strict special quarantine regime.

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