
The impact of pandemic on migration processes discussed

Public discussion on "Impact of the pandemic on migration processes" has been organized by the "Support to Tourism and Development of National Cuisine" Public Union, which is included in the Working group on the integration of foreigners of the Public Council under the State Migration Service. At the online event, Chairman of the Public Council under the State Migration Service, PhD in Social Phylosophy Azar Allahveranov firstly noted the recent events on the frontline. He spoke about the counter-offensive operations carried out by the Azerbaijani Army in all directions. He stated that the enemy, frightened by the determined position of Azerbaijan, realizing its defeat on the battlefield, is shelling civilians. As a result, more than 90 people, including minors died, hundreds were injured. Disregarding the UN decisions, this country continues its provocative and criminal actions. The Chairman of the Council also drew attention to the importance of informing the world community about the just cause of Azerbaijan, which has always been a supporter of peace and tranquility.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration processes was also discussed at the event, which was organized within the framework of the "Provision of legal assistance to foreigners remaining in the country during the pandemic" Project implemented with the financial support of the Council on State Support to NGOs under the auspices of the President. It was noted that the closure of borders, the application of restrictions on travel and mobility among countries raised the issue of integrating foreigners into the local society.

Some of the problems of people affected by the pandemic and therefore forced to remain within the territory of the country is related with the legal issues. The founder of the "Support for Tourism and Development of National Cuisine" Public Union and project manager Kamala Mammadova stressed the importance of providing prompt legal assistance to foreigners in this regard.

Deputy chief of Migration policy and legal support head department of the State Migration Service Kayan Hajiyev informed about the activities carried out by the Service during the pandemic. He spoke about the establishment of the Working group, e-services, simplified rules, awareness-raising activities, the provision of social assistance to low-income migrant families and their effectiveness.

The event was followed by discussions.

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