
The first online meeting of the Steering Committee of the “Strengthening Readmission Management in Azerbaijan” Project

The first online meeting of the Steering Committee was held within the "Strengthening Readmission Management in Azerbaijan" Project jointly implemented by the Representation of the International Organization for Migration in Azerbaijan and the State Migration Service.

Speaking at the meeting, the Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov stressed the importance of the project and expressed his confidence that it will contribute to further expansion of cooperation in the future.

Chief of the Service drew the attention of the participants to the policy of aggression pusued by Armenia against Azerbaijan for centuries, as well as crimes and terrorist acts committed on the basis of hatred against our people. Vusal Huseynov firstly commemorated the memory of the civilians murdered and military servicemen who died heroically for the Motherland.

He noted that October 27 marked a month since the Azerbaijani Armed Forces launched a counterattack in Nagorno-Karabakh. During this period, the enemy, which has lost its positions on the battlefield, sees a way out only by firing heavy artillery at civilian settlements, towns and villages far from the frontline. Vusal Huseynov underlined that a total of 92 people have been murdered and about 400 wounded. He said that the liberation of the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan from the Armenian aggressors is the Patriotic War for our people, restoration of international law and historical justice.

Later Vusal Huseynov drew attention to the progressive and innovative measures taken for more effective regulation of migration processes in our country. He noted that on a multilateral basis, the SMS expands its cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the areas of legal migration, effective management of migration, readmission, voluntary return, social protection of migrants and other areas, as well as implements joint projects. The Republic of Azerbaijan has signed readmission agreements with the European Union, Norway, Switzerland and Montenegro. In accordance with these agreements, the parties strengthen cooperation in preventing and combating irregular migration. In total, 460 persons from the European Union Member States were readmitted to Azerbaijan in 2019, while 103 in the first nine months of 2020.

Chief of the Service noted that a number of important preparatory measures have been taken since the start of the "Strengthening Readmission Management in Azerbaijan" Project and one of the most important steps - the development of "Terms of Reference" to adapt the RCMS system to the existing infrastructure, has been completed: "I am confident that the project will support the effective reintegration of readmitted citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan into society and contribute to solving their problems."

It should be noted that the head of the Representation of the International Organization for Migration in Azerbaijan Vladimir Gjorgjiev, representative of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Maryam Haji-Ismayilova, as well as Chief of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emil Safarov made a speech at the online meeting, as well.

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