
The meeting of Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov with the Ambassador of Japan to our country

Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov has  met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Azerbaijan Wada Junichi.

Welcoming the guest, Chief of the Service expressed his satisfaction with the meeting and congratulated the Ambassador on the occasion of commencement of his diplomatic mission in our country.

Chief of the Service brought to the attention of the Ambassador that in the background of the fight against the pandemic by the world countries, Azerbaijan has entered a complicated and at the same time crucial period in its history as a result of Armenia's traditional policy of aggression and provocation. Occupation policy which has been lasting for nearly 30 years and unconstructive position of Armenia in the negotiations on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as provocative attacks by the opposite side aimed at aggravating the humanitarian situation in the region have forced Azerbaijan to take adequate response measures to restore peace and justice. The main purpose of these measures is to liberate our lands occupied by Armenia, to restore our internationally recognized borders, to ensure the safety of civilians, as well as the right of our IDPs to return to their homes.

Chief of the Service noted that despite the announcement of a humanitarian ceasefire, Armenia, as always, violated its commitments and continued attacks on civilians from heavy artillery in many settlements, including Ganja, the second largest city in Azerbaijan, during the ceasefire. As a result of the attacks, a total of 61 civilians were killed and more than 300 persons were injured. Thus, the Armenian army, which has lost its position on the battlefield, sees the way out only in committing crimes against the civilian population living outside the conflict zone.

Vusal Huseynov stressed that under the leadership of the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan will soon restore its territorial integrity and liberate our lands from enemy occupation.

Giving information about the activities of the State Migration Service, Vusal Huseynov noted that from the first days of the coronavirus pandemic, migration policy is based on ensuring the maximum comfort of foreigners and the widespread promotion of e-government. He said that the promotion of legal migration is one of the priorities of the State Migration Service, and opportunities to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in this direction can be considered.

Noting that high-level diplomatic relations have been existed with Azerbaijan, the Ambassador said that they observe the current events with concern. He stressed that the deaths of civilians as a result of the conflict have shocked them and expressed his hope that the conflict will soon be resolved soon within the principles of the international law.

Later the perspectives of future cooperation between Azerbaijan and Japan in the field of migration, as well as other issues of mutual interest were discussed.

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