
Video conference between the chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov and volunteers held

A conference, organized by the “Reform Volunteers Organization” under the Center for Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication has been dedicated to the topic "Azerbaijan Volunteers Movement: National Solidarity, Social Responsibility and Individual Development". Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov highlighted the significance of volunteering activity in terms of gaining experience towards professional capacity building in the future. He also noted its importance in terms of communication. Highly appreciating the work of Coordination Center of Azerbaijani Volunteers, Service chief also brought into attention the active involvement of “Migration Volunteers”, as well as several volunteering organizations in the awareness raising events, particularly during the period of pandemic.

About 100 youth representatives from various volunteering organizations participated in the video conference, along with the “Migration Volunteers”. In the end, Vusal Huseynov answered the questions of volunteers.

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