
Meeting of the chief of the State Migration Service with the members of the Caspian European Club via video conferencing

The chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov stressed the importance of meetings with the members of the Caspian European Club and its positive contribution to the development of dialogue between the public and private sectors.

He noted that the restrictions imposed by states on international border crossings in the fight against the global pandemic COVID-19 have led to difficulties for many foreigners and stateless persons outside their country of origin. The chief of the Service mentioned that while putting the protection of the life and health of migrant workers as a top priority, opportunities enabling them to live legally in the countries of destination should be expanded during this period. In the fight against the pandemic joint activity of the private sector, governments and other stakeholders is of great importance to prevent migrants to become more vulnerable in this process.

Vusal Huseynov highlighted the measures taken by the Republic of Azerbaijan to facilitate the legal residence of foreigners remaining in the country due to the pandemic. He stressed that in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, guided by the decisions and recommendations of the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Migration Service regularly analyses the situation in respect to applications and makes numerous initiatives to improve its activities in line with the current situation, simplify relevant procedures, and ensure comfort of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as employers. The chief of the Service underlined the role of trade and business associations in delivering relevant information to migrants.

Telman Aliyev, Chairman and CEO of the Caspian European Club, mentioning the services provided by the SMS to foreigners and stateless persons during the pandemic, expressed his views on migration services on behalf of the club members.

In the end, the questions of the members of the Caspian European Club were answered and a sincere exchange of views was held.

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