
Meeting of Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov with members of the Public Council through video-conferencing

The next meeting of the Public Council under the State Migration Service has been held with the participation of the Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov.

At the meeting Service chief emphasized the significant steps taken under the leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev in the country during the pandemic. Vusal Huseynov stated that the decisive decisions, preventive measures of the head of state are the main reasons for achieving positive results in the fight against coronavirus. Reminding that the work done by Azerbaijan is highly valued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the other international structures, the Service chief underlined that our state is considered as a model country for measures taken against the pandemic.

Vusal Huseynov gave broad information on work done by the State Migration Service related with the current situation, as well as applied innovations in the direction of improvement of provided services and the current situation. He noted that in order to increase efficiency all paperwork has been digitalized by further expansion of application of the modern technical innovations.

In turn Chairman of the Public Council under SMS Azar Allahveranov presented information on work done by the members of the Public Council in the first quarter of the current year and application of innovations.

At the meeting exchange of views was conducted on registration (as well as application of payments for extension of period) of foreigners and stateless persons in coronavirus conditions, use of e-resources and other topical issues.

At the end of the meeting proposals of the members of the Public Council were discussed.

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