
ANNOUNCEMENT on the activity of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Taking into consideration the mitigation of some restrictions implemented with regard to the special quarantine regime applied in the territory of the country since April 27 in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, some amendments has been made in the organization of work through services rendered to citizens by the State Migration Service.

Thus, from April 27, 2020:

        • Applications of foreigners and stateless persons with regard to registration upon place of stay, obtaining permits for temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits, establishing a person’s affiliation to citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be received at the “ASAN service” centers. In this case, reception of foreigners at the “ASAN service” centers will be conducted by taking a queue in advance via “ASAN service” mobile application, website and 108 Call Center;
  • During the collection of ready permission cards physically (if were not sent electronically) it is necessary to submit the documents that should be notarized, as well as relevant medical references. Permission cards can be obtained from Baku Regional Migration Department for Baku city, and from Regional Migration Departments for other regions. Persons willing to collect their cards from relevant “ASAN service” centers can contact “(012) 919” Call Center of the Service;
  • There is no need to approach the Service points by the foreigners whose temporary staying period in the country was extended during the quarantine regime. Such persons can obtain this decision via official website of the Service ( Such persons will be able to stay legally in the country by paying the state fee electronically through the Government Payment Portal, "ASAN payment" system or Expresspay terminals.
  • Applications regarding acquisition, restoration and revocation of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be received at the Regional Migration Departments;
  • Reception of foreigners at the Baku Regional Migration Department will be conducted by taking an online queue in advance, through MigAz mobile application or official website of the Service (, while at the other Regional Migration Departments it will be implemented individually;
  • Applications of foreigners to the State Migration Service with regard to violation of the migration rules will be received.

We, once again, notify that you can apply electronically to the State Migration Service for using rendered services. Only in case of special necessity you are recommended to approach the Service points in person.

For detailed information you are recommended to follow the official website of the Service, Facebook and Twitter accounts or contact “(012) 919” Call Center. 

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