
State Migration Service – 13 years

The 13th anniversary of establishment of the State Migration Service and professional holiday of the employees of migration bodies have been celebrated at the entity.

19th of March is 13th anniversary of establishment of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and professional holiday of the employees of migration bodies.

On the occasion of this remarkable day a group of personnel visited the Alley of Honor under the leadership of Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov, deeply revered the memory of the founder of modern Azerbaijani state, National leader Heydar Aliyev and laid a wreath on his grave.

The memory of prominent ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was also commemorated and fresh flowers was laid on her grave.

Furthermore, the Service employees also commemorated unforgettable memory of our brave boys and girls who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the motherland, laid carnations on their graves, as well as put a wreath before “Eternal flame” monument.

Later, a meeting dedicated to the establishment anniversary of the entity was held at the Headquarters of the State Migration Service. The national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was sounded. In his opening speech Service chief Vusal Huseynov congratulated the employees on the occasion of 13th anniversary of establishment of the entity and professional holiday, as well as Novruz holiday and wished them success in their service activities.

Later, orders signed by the chief of the State Migration Service were announced. Awards were presented to employees who excelled in their service. Moreover, a group of employees were awarded with the “Honorary Decree” and “Appraisal”.

It should be noted that employees of the Regional Migration Departments visited the monument of Great leader Heydar Aliyev on the occasion of 13th anniversary of establishment of the entity and professional holiday, as well. Employees of the Regional Departments who excelled in their service were awarded.

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