
57 foreigners participated in the training organized at the Training Center of the State Migration Service on November

During the November of the current year, 57 participants upon 5 groups attended the training organized for foreigners and stateless people at the Training Center of the State Migration Service.

Educational course that covers 94 hours is organized with the purpose of teaching foreigners and stateless persons residing in the country about the lexicon and grammar of Azerbaijani language, its history and culture, as well as legislation on rights and duties of foreigners and stateless persons as defined in the Migration Code.

It should be noted that, 87% of the course participants demonstrated positive results in the interview held with foreigners and stateless persons, who applied to the State Migration Service with the purpose of obtaining permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to test their knowledge on the rights and obligations set forth by the laws of the country, as well as official language skills.

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