
Important aspects of effective integration of foreigners discussed

Public discussion on "Important aspects of effective integration of foreigners" has been held at the Baku Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service. The event, organized with the support of the Public Council under the State Migration Service, was realized within the framework of the project "Organization of measures to integrate foreigners living in Azerbaijan into society" implemented by the “Social Welfare” Refugee and IDP’s Public Union.

Providing detailed information on public discussion, as well as aims and tasks of the implemented project the Chairman of the Public Council under the State Migration Service Azar Allahveranov stressed the importance of integrating the foreigners into the local community in the destination country. The chairman of the Council said that the complete integration of foreigners, settled in the territory of the country, into the local community is connected namely with the creation of favorable conditions.

Acting Deputy Chief of the Migration Policy and Legal Provision Head Department of the State Migration Service junior migration service counselor Kayan Hajiyev gave information about the activities implemented by the central executive authority, which he represents, in connection with the integration of foreigners, especially about the efforts made by the entity in line with interagency coordination, development of cooperation agreements with the international partners and civil society organizations. The official said the integration of foreigners, along with a number of issues, also requires a strong legislative framework, and important steps are being taken in this direction. In particular, significant work is being done to constantly improve the legislation in line with the requirements of the time.

The speech of Leyla Huseynova, chairman of the “Social Welfare” Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Public Union, about the perspectives of the implemented project, as well as the opinions of other participants were listened at the event with interest. During the discussions, the questions voiced by the participants and pressing issues were answered in detail by the employees of the State Migration Service.






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