Awareness raising event held in Bilasuvar

An awareness raising event on “Peace is a guarantee for sustainable development and human rights” with the participation of public representatives has been organized at the Bilasuvar district Executive Authority which is included to the service area of the Lankaran Regional Migration Department.

First Deputy Head of the Bilasuvar district Executive Authority Khanlar Mammadov brought into attention of the participants significance of the awareness raising event, and its role on informing the public, foreigners and stateless persons.

Later, detailed report on the topic was made by Chief of the Control on Migration Regime Sector of the Lankaran Regional Migration Department. It was mentioned that the “Peace day” is a great opportunity to harmonize relations not only among nations, but also in families, society, public, as well as to consolidate the fight against violence.

At the meeting, information was delivered on the activity directions of the State Migration Service, as well as amendments made to the Migration Code.

In the end, questions that interested participants were responded.

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