
Members of the Public Council under the State Migration Service visited the Baku Detention Center for Illegal Migrants

The purpose of the visit was to get familirized with the conditions and current situation of the migrants placed in the Center.

Chairman of the Council Azar Allahveranov and members of the Council met with migrants detained as a result of the measures taken against illegal migration and placed in the Center, got familirized with the reasons for their arrival in the country, their activities and detention conditions, and discussed the issues concerning them.

Migrants at the Baku Detention Center for Illegal Migrants expressed satisfaction to the members of the Public Council with the care and attention paid to them by the Center's staff, all the services and facilities, and noted that they were waiting for the relevant decision on expulsion from the country.

As a result of the explanation provided to them, these persons have understood the offense which they committed and said that they will not repeat these mistakes when they visit Azerbaijan again in the future.

The unanimous conclusion of the members of the Public Council under the State Migration Service that attended the monitoring was that activities and conditions of the Baku Detention Center for Illegal Migrants are organized in accordance with the principles of human rights and freedoms.

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