
Azerbaijan's contributions regarding Global Refugee Forum to be held in Geneva discussed

The State Migration Service has hosted an event dedicated to discussing Azerbaijan's contributions and recommendations regarding the Global Refugee Forum to be held in Geneva on December 17-18, 2019.

The aim of the meeting was to review the proposals of the Representation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan, to identify possible voluntary commitments and to form a unified position of our country.

Deputy chief of the State Migration Service, lll rank state migration service counselor Parviz Musayev emphasized the importance of the Global Refugee Forum. He gave information about the harmonization of national legislation in the field of asylum in the country with international standards, improvement of the procedure for determination of refugee status, as well as the measures taken to integrate persons under international protection into the Azerbaijani society.

The representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Ministry of Energy, the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance and the State Oil Company attended the event.

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