
Migration issues of foreign students intending to get higher education in our country discussed

On the eve of the beginning of the new academic year, a meeting has been held with responsible officials from the Ministry of Education and the relevant structural units of about 50 higher education institutions operating in the country at the headquarters of SMS.

The purpose of the event was to inform the staff of higher education institutions about requirements of the migration legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to discuss migration issues of foreign students.

Chief of the Migration Processes Regulation Department of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Ismayil Abdullayev gave detailed information on the measures taken by the State Migration Service to manage and regulate migration processes in Azerbaijan, recent amendments to the Migration Code and the Law on State Fees.

It was noted that one of the cases when foreigners and stateless persons are issued permit for temporary residence in the territory of Azerbaijan is full-time education of a person in higher and secondary education institutions of the country and education in secondary education institutions.

He highlighted the activities to ensure that every foreign student visiting the country complies with the rules of stay and residence in the country.

He emphasized the necessity for officers of the relevant structural units of higher education responsible for work with foreign students to approach this process with attention.

In the end, questions of the participants were responded.


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