
Tourism strategy and aspects of mutual relation and impact of foreigners’ integration reviewed

A public discussion on “Development strategy of tourism and foreigners’ integration” has been organized at the Baku Regional Migration Department.

Acting deputy chief of the Migration Policy and Legal Support Head Department of the State Migration Service, junior migration service counselor Kayan Hajiyev gave detailed information on migration policy implemented by the Service, as well as recent amendments to the legislation regarding the registration of foreigners and stateless persons, new rules on issuance of visas, new mobile application and other resources within the framework of development strategy of tourism.

Chairman of the Public Council under the State Migration Service Azar Allahveranov explained the reasons for increase of temporary and permanent residence cases. He talked about successful application of the tourism strategy in Azerbaijan. Chairman of the Council emphasized the significance of integration of foreigners intending to temporarily and permanently reside in the territory of the country to the society.

Talking about the purpose and activities of the project implemented regarding the integration of foreigners, Chair of the “Social Welfare” Refugee and IDPs Public Union Leyla Huseynova gave information on Action Plan which will be implemented in the future, as well.

At the session discussions were conducted on the importance of awareness raising during promotion of tourism, preparation of national tour guides, issuance of tourism licenses and other relevant issues.  

The event was organized within the framework of the “Organization of measures towards integration of foreigners residing in Azerbaijan to the society” project funded by the Council on State Support to NGOs under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and implemented by the “Social Welfare” Refugee and IDPs Public Union.


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