
An awareness-raising event held on “The role of migrants in the multicultural society”

An event has been organized on “The role of migrants in the multicultural society” in Zagatala which is included to the service area of the Shaki Regional Migration Department within the framework of the “Peace month”.

In total, about 200 representatives from the state agencies, administrative territorial units of the district, municipalities, as well as NGOs participated in the meeting held in the Heydar Aliyev Center. Event participants were informed about the protection and development of multicultural values in Azerbaijan, the state policy pursued in this field, the condition established for satisfaction and integration of foreigners to the community.

At the event, the measures taken towards elimination of statelessness and fight against illegal migration by the State Migration Service were brought into attention of the participants, as well.

A mobile service was also rendered in Zagatala within the framework of the event. 25 persons used the opportunities of the Service. References on establishment of citizenship were presented to 11 persons. Documents were received from 6 persons for establishment of citizenship, as well as from 2 persons for granting temporary residence permit. Furthermore, the list of documents in order to apply for establishment of citizenship, to obtain temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits was presented to 6 persons.

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