
First meeting of the Public Council under State Migration Service in a new composition held

Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counsellor Vusal Huseynov congratulated the elected members of the Public Council under SMS and wished them success in their activities.

The Service chief brought into attention that ensuring applicants’ satisfaction, as well as transparency on high level is always under the spotlight and the cooperation with non-governmental organizations in this regard is of great importance. He noted that new amendments had been made to the “Migration Code” and the Law on “State Duty” to facilitate migration procedures for foreigners visiting the country.

Vusal Huseynov expressed his assurance on further decent contribution of the Public Council to the provision of citizen satisfaction with its effective activity.

Chairman of the Public Council under SMS Azar Allahveranov provided information on the Council's future plans by highly appreciating the activity of the Service. He mentioned that the positive management traditions established by the Council in previous years will be continued hereinafter.

Later, the proposals were sounded and organizational issues were considered.

In the end, new membership cards were presented to the members of the Public Council.

It should be noted that, in June 25 and July 3 of the current year, the new election was held based on the procedure arising from the normative legal acts regarding the expiration of period of the Public Council under State Migration Service in line with the legislation, according to the “Regulation on election of the Public Council by the Civil Society Institutions” approved by the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No.171 dated May 30, 2014. As a result of the election held in two rounds, the composition of the Public Council under SMS consisting of 9 members was formed. Member of the Council, chairman of the "Hayat" International Humanitarian Organization Azar Allahveranov, was elected as the chairman of the Public Council under SMS.

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