
State Migration Service held press conference dedicated to the activities carried out during the first half of 2019

On July 18, 2019 a press-conference dedicated to the results of the 6 months of this year was held in the headquarter of the State Migration Service with the participation of representatives of mass-media and non-governmental organizations.

At the event Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counsellor Vusal Huseynov gave detailed information on implemented activities in migration sphere.

V.Huseynov stated that over the past period under the leadership of our esteemed President Ilham Aliyev a comprehensive development of economy of the country was ensured, consistent reforms to increase transparency and citizen satisfaction were carried out. Implemented activities also had a positive impact on development of migration sphere.

State Migration Service continues its activity in compliance with instructions and recommendations of the head of the state. Service Chief gave information on activities and statistical data for the first half of the current year.

He stated that in comparison with the same period of last year the number of foreigners and stateless persons entered the country during the first half of 2019 increased by 6 %, as well as 0.4% increase was observed in temporary residence permits in the country, 14% - in work permits. Moreover, 53% increase was recorded in applications for refugee status.

Furthermore, 34% decrease in the decisions made by the State Migration Service on violation of the requirements of the migration legislation during the first half of the year was mentioned.

It was noted that as a result of the work done by the Service in the field of civil satisfaction the number of citizens' appeals dropped by 8%.

During the reporting period the “Call Center” received 53.303 calls.

Finally, Service Chief answered the questions of media representatives.


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