
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “Administrative proceeding” and its application in the field of migration discussed

The seminar on the topic “New Administrative Law in Azerbaijan, actual problems related its application” was held in the headquarters of State Migration Service (SMS) within the project of German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) “Supporting approaching European standards in the field of law in Southern Caucasus”.

Opening the event, the Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov greeted the seminar participants and wished them success. The chief of the Service mentioned that the training would contribute to increasing the knowledge and abilities of the Service employees.

Then the head of GIZ regional program “Supporting legal-judicial reforms in Southern Caucasus” Tomas Meyer made a speech and thanked State Migration Service for support in the organization of the training. He highly appreciated the attention of SMS to the trainings.

The deputy chief of the Administrative and Military legislation division of Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sayyad Karimov made presentations on the topics such as the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “Administrative proceeding” and its application in the field of migration, grounds and principles of starting the administrative proceeding, administrative act, form and content of the administrative act, legal force of administrative act and proceeding of the administrative act in the seminar.

It should be mentioned that the employees of SMS headquarter and regional migration departments have participated in the event.


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