
Vusal Huseynov: “Developed countries, large international organizations should be more responsible in the solution of refugee problem and increase their support”.

This remark was made by the Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov at the event held in the International Mugham Center dedicated to June 20 – World Refugee Day.

Deputy prime-minister Ali Ahmadov, head of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally displaced persons Rovshan Rzayev, representative of UN High Commissioner for Refugees in  Azerbaijani Guido Ambroso, UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Ghulam Isaczai making speeches underlined the importance of solidarity and support of the states in the solution of existing refugee and IDP problems in the world and noted that problem deepens day by day and increasing number of such people in the world creates serious concern. Moreover the video message of UN High Commissioner for Refugees Philippo Grandi was demonstrated at the event.

The Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov told that refugee and IDP situation is a global problem and requires serious approach. Developed countries and large international organizations should increase their supports for the solution of the conflicts. The chief of the Service underlined that, in the backdrop of expansion of the activities of international organizations, increased number of measures taken by the states and more enriched world with resources, in fact the number of refugees in the world had to decline. Unfortunately, the problem is increasing more in the global scale.

The chief of the Service mentioned that the number of the refugees in the world has increased approximately 60% and passed 70 million in the recent 20 years. 40 million of this are IDPs, 25 million refugees and 3.5 million are asylum seekers. Unfortunately, 1 million of this number belong to Azerbaijani refugees and our state takes important measures for the improvement of the social welfare of the people from this sort. But the problem is not solved. The people should return to their native lands.

The video clip made within the project “Step with Refugees” with the participation of Migration volunteers on the eve of June 20 – World Refugee Day was demonstrated at the event.

The event ended with a cultural segment.

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