Re-election will be held to the membership of Public Council under State Migration Service

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 816-IVQ “On Civic engagement” dated November 22, 2013, with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 89 on application of the law dated January 16, 2014 and with “Regulation on election of Public council by civil society institutions” approved with the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 171 dated May 30, 2014, election to the membership of Public Council under State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter Public Council) was held  at the administrative building of the State Migration Service on June 25, 2019 and as a result, following 7 candidates who collected the majority of votes were elected as a member of Public Council according to the legislation:

  • Allahveranov Azar Karim - Chair of the “Hayat” International Humanitarian Organization;
  • Baghirov Kanan Sabir – Vice-president of “Azerbaijan Child and Youth Peace Network” Public Union;
  • Dadashova Shargiya Anvar – Chair of “Regional Gender Centre” Public Union;
  • Mammadova Kamala Natig – Chair of Public Union on “Support to Tourism and National Cuisine Promotion”;
  • Huseyn Arzu Afgan – Chair of “Evolution and Integration” International Public Union;
  • Katanov Mammad Teymur – Chief of Migration division of Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society;
  • Niftaly Habil Abid – Chair of “OPTIMIST” Public Union for assisting to handle social problems.


Since, it is decided to form the Council’s composition from 9 members, on July 3, 2019 between 10:00-15:00 at the administrative building of State Migration Service (202 Binagadi Highway, 3123 Block, Binagadi district, Baku, near “Azadlig” metro station) re-election will be held for vacant 2 places among following persons who have been registered as a candidate:

  • Abbas Rada Sabir – date and place of birth 10.08.1962, Aghjabadi district. Possesses higher education. Single, has one child. Chair of “Social Assistance to War Veterans” Public Union;
  • Javanshirli Aykhan Sardar – date and place of birth 19.02.1994, Baku. Single. Member of “Writers of Ismayilli” Literary Public Union;
  • Fatullayev Vidadi Bayram – date and place of birth 01.11.1972, Siyazan. Possesses higher education. Married, has two children. Chair of “Development of Migration Field” Public Union;
  • Karimova Lamiya Agha – date and place of birth 23.04.1977, Aghdam district. Possesses higher education. Single. Chair of “Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Development” Public Union;
  • Gariboghlu Zaur Garib – date and place of birth 01.02.1989, Baku. Possesses higher education. Married, has two children. Chair of “International Information and Regional Researches” Public Union.
  • Valiyeva Farida Talib – date and place of birth 26.12.1960, Aghdam district. Possesses higher education. Married, has one children. Chair of “Analysis of Migration Processes” Public Union.

The participation of representatives of the civil societies registered for the initial elections as a voter is considered at re-election.

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