
Chief of the State Migration Service met with international partners

A meeting has been held in the State Migration Service on the occasion of completion of the “Consolidation of Migration and Border Management Capacities in Azerbaijan” project with the Mission of the International Organization for Migration in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Azerbaijan, BP and its partners.

At the meeting Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov spoke about implemented activities and achievements in the framework of the “Consolidation of Migration and Border Management Capacities in Azerbaijan” project. The Service Chief expressed satisfaction with cooperation between partners in the framework of completed and current projects. He stated that the partners of the State Migration Service played an important role in implementation of several projects. He noted that the “Consolidation of Migration and Border Management Capacities in Azerbaijan” project contributed to the implementation of innovations. The Service Chief expressed his confidence in further consolidation and development of the achieved results.

Vusal Huseynov emphasized that further deepening of current international cooperation and consolidation of the position of Azerbaijan in migration sphere at the global level are the priorities for the State Migration Service.

Thanking for sincere meeting, Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli, vice-president of BP Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, Kestutis Yankauskas, head of the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan and Vladimir Gjorgjiev, Chief of IOM Mission in Azerbaijan talked about the importance of joint projects in their speeches. The activity of the State Migration Service in formation of successful partnership was welcomed. 

At the meeting held on the basis of mutual exchange of views, some issues on migration legislation were brought on the agenda, exchange of views was conducted on perspective of future cooperation. At the end of the event, the final presentation of implemented activities in the framework of the “Consolidation of Migration and Border Management Capacities in Azerbaijan” project was brought to the attention of the guests.

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