
An event on “Fight against Human Trafficking” held in Lankaran

An awareness-raising event on “Fight against Human Trafficking” has been held in the Lankaran State Humanitarian College which is included to the service area of the regional migration department of the State Migration Service.

In total, 75 people including professors and students of the college attended the event.

Deputy head of the College for Education and discipline Ulviyya Namazova who opened the event with introductory speech informed about the actuality of the topic.

Sector chief of the Lankaran Regional Migration Department, Amil Sayilov gave detailed information on the essence of human traficking and illegal migration, threats and consequences stemmed for the protection measures  provided by the State in this direction. It was noted that the SMS carries out appropriate measures in the field of implementation of the documents on fight against human trafficking. He emphasized the importance of sustainability of the relevant activities in order to raise awareness of the public and organize promotion activities in the regions.

At the end of the event, questions of the participants were answered in accordance with the law.

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