
Meeting held with young leaders


An event dedicated to migration issues has been held in the Leadership school of the Azerbaijan Children and Youth Peace Network (ACYPN).

Human Rights Commissioner of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmira Suleymanova, Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov, Chairman of the Public Council under SMS Azar Allahveranov and about 100 members of the Leadership school attended the event.

The Commissioner gave information about the life and broad political activity of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, whose 96th anniversary is marked this year. She mentioned that the first Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan which was adopted in 1995 with the efforts and intense activity of the great leader, created ground for the expansion and efficient guarantee of the human rights, as well as the rights of children as a result of the referendums, in the later periods. She gave information about the establishment history of the resource center “Network and Leadership School”, its effective activity, achievements, as well as the activities carried out by the Ombudsman in the field of protection of the rights of the refugees, IDPs and migrants.

Making a speech at the event, Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov informed the children about the measures realized in the country in the field of migration, SMS`s activity directions, e-services and the “ASAN Visa”.

At the end of the interactive event, the Service chief answered the questions of children and especially underlined the intellectual level of the children, their comprehensive and harmonious development and their upbringing as loyal persons for our state and motherland.

The Service chief was presented the publications on the activity of the Network and the gifts consisting of the handicraft of children.

Along with the short video clips on the migration issues, the movie dedicated the measures realized by ACYPN and its successful activity within 20 years were demonstrated within the framework of the event.

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