
96th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev marked in the State Migration Service

An event dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the founder of independent modern Azerbaijan, national leader Heydar Aliyev has been held in the State Migration Service (SMS).

At first Heydar Aliyev Museum in the headquarters of the Service was visited, flowers were put at the bust of the great leader, deep respect to the memory of the national leader was expressed.

The ceremony began with the performance of the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Making a speech, Service chief, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov spoke about the life and rich political activity of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, savior of our nation and state, as well as his unique historic services for Azerbaijani people. He noted that genius leader worked hard for the people and state in all the periods of his leadership in the country, realized significant activities for strengthening the independence, development of the state and improvement of the welfare of the people.

Service Chief underlined that during the first period of Heydar Aliyev’s leadership all the spheres of the country developed and Azerbaijan became one of the leading countries of the Soviet Union. Returning to the power with the persistent demand of the people in 1993 for the second time, the national leader enduring all the difficulties saved Azerbaijani people and state from the hardest trials of the time. He increased the reputation of the country by his internal and foreign policy, achieved comprehensive development and made the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan eternal and irreversible.

As a result of successful continuation of farsighted political line of the national leader by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, our country successfully completed the transition period in the economic field and established Azerbaijani model of the development. During last 15 years, successful continuation of Heydar Aliyev’s policy by the President Ilham Aliyev contributes to make more grandiose achievements by Azerbaijan. We are proud that our country has turned to the economic, political and humanitarian center today.

Vusal Huseynov told that the events celebrated in all the regions and districts of the country in the holiday spirit is the manifestation of the endless esteem and love of our people to the unique services of the historic personality Heydar Aliyev: “We are happy of being the citizens of the independent modern Azerbaijan founded by the national leader Heydar Aliyev. We shall always committed to the policy of genius leader, Azerbaijanism ideas and serve our state with loyalty”.

A film dedicated to the life and activity of the national leader Heydar Aliyev was demonstrated at the event.

After the event the administration and a group of employees of the State Migration Service visited the Alley of Honors, paid tribute to the memory of the national leader and put flowers at his grave.

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