
An event held on “Fight against human trafficking and elimination of illegal migration cases” in Shamakhi


An awareness raising event on “Fight against human trafficking and elimination of illegal migration cases” has been organized in the headquarters of the Shamakhi Heydar Aliyev Center by the Agsu Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service (SMS).

In total 50 persons, including representatives of the departments and institutions, law-enforcement bodies, the Shamakhi regional division of the Tourism Agency, hotels and rest centers, as well as employees of education and health institutions participated in the event.

Speakers gave detailed information about the essence of the illegal migration, its threats and results, protection measures ensured by the government in this direction. It was mentioned that SMS implements relevant measures in the sphere of the execution of the documents adopted on the combating human trafficking.

Furthermore, information on the activities implemented in accordance with the execution of the provisions of the International Convention “on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families” adopted by the UN General Assembly – situation of the labor migration in the country, labor migrants in the Republic of Azerbaijan and measures to ensure their rights were delivered to the participants. Particularly, the significance of the continuation of the relevant measures to raise awareness of the public and to organize the promotion activities in the regions was underlined.

A video clip prepared by the Service related to the topic was performed and the participants were presented informational booklets on fight against human trafficking.

At the end of the event the questions of the citizens were answered as envisaged by the law.

It should be noted that awareness raising events in the field of migration are continued in the regions.

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