
State Migration Service held an awareness raising event and mobile service in Gazakh district

On the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the establishment of the State Migration Service, the Ganja Regional Migration Department has held an event on raising awareness of the public about migration legislation in the “Youth center” of Gazakh district.

In total 216 persons, including representatives of the relevant government agencies, local executive authority and municipality, employees of educational and health institutions, local business persons, foreigners and stateless persons participated in the event.

Competent employees of the Ganja Regional Migration Department and the Gazakh District Executive Authority delivered detailed information about the establishment and activities of the State Migration Service, the amendments in migration legislation and services rendered by the State Migration Service and the “MIGAZ” mobile application.

Afterwards, questions of the participants were responded.

At the end of the event, 52 persons benefited from a mobile service. Furthermore, 1 permit for temporary residence, 1 permit for permanent residence and 4 decisions on establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan were presented to the applicants.  Application on establishment of citizenship was received from 1 person. The list of documents required for obtaining permit for permanent and temporary residence in the country, acquisition, establishment of citizenship was presented to 13 persons. 33 people expressed their problems on migration and received consultation within the legislation.

The persons benefited from the mobile service thanked for organizing this service.

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