Awareness-raising event in higher education institution met with interest by students

An awareness-raising event has been held in the Zagatala branch of the Azerbaijan State Economic University with the participation of professors, students and representatives of the public on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the State Migration Service.

Detailed information was given to the meeting participants about the services rendered by the State Migration Service and achievements.

Information was provided on the services rendered by the State Migration Service to foreigners and stateless persons, including the rules of registration upon place of stay, temporary and permanent residence permits, as well as work permits. It was noted that one of the cases when permit for temporary residence in the territory of Azerbaijan is issued to foreigners and stateless persons, is full-time education in country’s higher education institutions, collages and secondary education institutions. It was also mentioned that each foreigner should follow migration requirements and legalize his/her stay and residence in the country based on the purpose of visit.

Moreover, information was given about the use of the “MIGAZ” application, innovations in the application through video instructions, and the “Migration Volunteer - You are different!” project.

Afterwards, questions of the meeting participants were answered.

Mobile service was held at the end of the event. 21 persons used the opportunities of the mobile service. So, temporary and permanent residence permits were presented to 11 of them. Reference on establishment of citizenship was given to 4 persons. Furthermore, the list of documents required for filling application for establishment of citizenship, temporary and permanent residence and work permit was presented to 6 persons.


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