
A training course launched for new employees of the State Migration Service

The employees, recently recruited to migration authorities have been involved to the training course in the Training Center of the State Migration Service in order to improve professional skills.

Lectures and seminars, as well as practical exercises are organized for candidates on “Migration policy”, “Introduction to migration law”, “Organization of activity of the State Migration Service in “ASAN service” centers", “Ensuring transparency in activity of migration authorities”, “International cooperation and perspectives in migration sphere”, “Labour migration”, “Detentions centers for illegal migrants”, “Activity of migration unites at the border checkpoints”, “Refugee issues in the Republic of Azerbaijan and legislative acts regulating this field”, “Investigation and solution of citizenship issues”, “Public relations”, “Readmission”, “Clerical work”, “Code of conduct of civil servants”, “The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, respect to human and civil rights and freedoms”, “Basic provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on labor protection”, “Fight against human trafficking”, “Gender statistics”, “Women's Rights and Gender Equality” and other topics within the 15-day courses conducted jointly by the Staff and Staff Training Department and the Training Center of SMS.

Along with senior employees of the structural units of SMS, the employees of some state authorities (Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Statistical Committee, State Examination Center, State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Academy of Labour and Social Relations) are also closely involved in the course.

During the training the questions on topics are answered and opinion exchange is held.

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