
State Migration Service held an awareness raising event in Agdash

An awareness raising event has been held by the State Migration Service in Agdash district, which is included to the service area of the Yevlakh Regional Migration Department.

In total 85 persons, including the representatives of local executive authority, the employees of law-enforcement bodies, residents of the district, foreigners and stateless persons participated in the event.

The competent employees of the Regional Migration Department delivered detailed information on the condition established for foreigners and stateless persons in the country, the activity directions of the State Migration Service, as well as registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permits for temporary and permanent residence, work permits for carrying out paid labor activity, acquisition, restoration, and revocation of citizenship, administrative liability for the violation of migration legislation. At the event broad information was given about the functions of the “MIGAZ” mobile application of the State Migration Service.

Afterwards, discussions were conducted on the topic and questions of the participants were responded.

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