An awareness-raising event held on “State Migration Service: from yesterday till today”

An awareness-raising event on “State Migration Service: from yesterday till today” has been held in Masalli district executive authority on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the establishement of the State Migration Service.

In total 65 persons, including representatives of the local executive authority, municipalities, residents, foreigners and stateless persons participated in the event.

During the meeting, detailed information was given about the conditions created for foreigners and stateless persons in our country, the activity directions of the State Migration Service, as well as registration upon place of stay, issuance of permits for stay, temporary or permanent residence, work permit for paid labor activity, acquisition, restoration, and revocation of citizenship, administrative responsibility for violation of migration legislation, and the functions of the mobile application of the State Migration Service - “MIGAZ”.

Later, questions of the participants were answered and relevant discussions were conducted on the topic.

At the end of the meeting, mobile document reception was held. List of documents were presented to 2 persons, as well as references on establishement of citizenship were presented to 4 persons. Application on establishment of citizenship was received from 1 person.

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