
State Migration Service held an awareness raising event in Goychay

An awareness raising event has been held by the State Migration Service in Goychay district, which is included to the service area of the Aghsu regional migration department.

           Representatives of the relevant government agencies, court, law-enforcement bodies, health and educational institutions, public organizations, entrepreneurs, culture and tourism divisions, the employees of the hotels and recreation centers of the district, as well as foreigners and stateless persons participated in the event, which was organized in the headquarter of the Goychay regional organization of the New Azerbaijan Party.

Information on the amendments and addendums to the legislation in the field of migration, functions and terms of use of the “MIGAZ” mobile application were visually explained in detail, as well as the e-services rendered by the State Migration Service were demonstrated via the video slide – “Rules of registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan, issuance of permits for temporary or permanent residence on the territory of the country” by competent officials of the Aghsu regional migration department.

Then the participants of the event were presented the information leaflets designed by the State Migration Service and their questions were answered.

The list of the documents required for establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was presented to 3 persons, as well as the list of documents required for obtaining permit for temporary residence in the country was presented to 8 persons. Furthermore, 1 permit for temporary residence and 3 decisions on establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan were presented to the applicants.

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