
Meeting held with the members of Public Council under State Migration Service

The meeting has been held with the members of the Public Council in the headquarters of the State Migration Service (SMS) on February 25.

Vusal Huseynov, Chief of the State Migration Service, informed the guests on the activities aimed at ensuring transparency of the services rendered in migration field and satisfaction of applicants, according to the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev. He noted that launch of mobile application “MIGAZ”, 24/7 operation of the Call Center of SMS, launch off of the migration volunteer project, as well as the opening of the reception center of the Baku regional migration department to be realized in coming days serves to ensuring transparency and objectiveness in the field of migration and application of innovative solutions in service area. Stating that individual applications and feedback of the mass media and public representatives were investigated and analyzed, the Service Chief underlined the significance of the NGO’s represented in the Public Council in ensuring public control.

Later on, the chairman of the Public Council Azar Allahveranov, members Sahib Mammadov, Kanan Baghirov and Shargiyya Dadashova provided information about the activities implemented by the Public Council. Taking into consideration the current activity directions of the State Migration Service, the discussions were held for more efficient and targeted organization of joint activity of the Public Council and the Service and the proposals were listened.

At the end of the event the memory photo was taken.

The meeting has been held with the members of the Public Council in the headquarters of the State Migration Service (SMS) on February 25.

Vusal Huseynov, Chief of the State Migration Service, informed the guests on the activities aimed at ensuring transparency of the services rendered in migration field and satisfaction of applicants, according to the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev. He noted that launch of mobile application “MIGAZ”, 24/7 operation of the Call Center of SMS, launch off of the migration volunteer project, as well as the opening of the reception center of the Baku regional migration department to be realized in coming days serves to ensuring transparency and objectiveness in the field of migration and application of innovative solutions in service area. Stating that individual applications and feedback of the mass media and public representatives were investigated and analyzed, the Service Chief underlined the significance of the NGO’s represented in the Public Council in ensuring public control.

Later on, the chairman of the Public Council Azar Allahveranov, members Sahib Mammadov, Kanan Baghirov and Shargiyya Dadashova provided information about the activities implemented by the Public Council. Taking into consideration the current activity directions of the State Migration Service, the discussions were held for more efficient and targeted organization of joint activity of the Public Council and the Service and the proposals were listened.

At the end of the event the memory photo was taken.

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