
Meeting with the students held at State Migration Service on the occasion of February 2 – Youth Day

February 2 – Youth Day was celebrated at State Migration Service. On this occasion an info-tour was organized at the Service for the students of the Baku State University, the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A group of 40 students first visited the Heydar Aliyev museum. The youngsters got familiarized with the information on the life and activity of the world-famous state figure, the national leader.

Later a meeting was held in the conference hall of SMS. Service Chief Vusal Huseynov greeted the students and congratulated them on the occasion of the remarkable day. Noting that the youth policy in Azerbaijan is associated with the name of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, the Service chief spoke about the attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijani Ilham Aliyev to the young people in recent years, particularly underlined the significance of the State Program on “Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021”. Answering the questions of the students, the Service chief wished the students success in their studies and future activities.

At the event, a detailed presentation was held about the history of establishment and activity directions of the Service, regulation of the migration processes in Azerbaijan, impact and relation of the migration to other fields, cooperation with the international structures and applied innovations as well. Within the framework of the info-tour, the students were closely familiarized with the activity of the “919 Call Center” and the Citizens’ Reception Division of SMS and the conditions created here.

At the end, the youngsters visited the Detention Center for Illegal Migrants. The students were introduced the activity of the Center, effective organization of the leisure time of the migrants during detention period, education rooms and conditions established for sport trainings, as well as talk to those persons.    

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