
Press conference dedicated to the results of 2018 held at State Migration Service

On January 11, 2019 a press-conference dedicated to the results of the last year was held in State Migration Service with the participation of mass-media representatives.

The Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov opening the conference with introductory statement noted that Azerbaijan developed successfully in 2018 and achieved success in all spheres including economic and international policy. He underlined that the previous year was particularly significant as the period of realization of great projects, with the participation of President Mr. Ilham Aliyev, such as the opening of the Baku International Sea Trade Port Complex, TANAP gas pipeline, the STAR Oil Refinery and the launch of the third satellite of Azerbaijan “Azerspace-2” into orbit.

The Service chief mentioned that as the resulting of considered and farsighted policy carried out by the state leadership, favorable conditions for business and investment have been created in Azerbaijan, the entrepreneurs` layer has been established, the role of non-oil sector and tourism in the socio-economic development of the country has increased. Vusal Huseynov said that today protection of the migrants and human rights is the priority for Azerbaijan.

The Service Chief informed that during the report period, the State Migration Service successfully carried out its responsibilities, such as establishment of unified state policy in the field of migration, regulation of migration processes with innovative methods in compliance with the contemporary requirements by protecting national security and interest, organization of improvement and application of migration management mechanisms, selection of the staff for migration bodies upon contest and transparency, correct and efficient use of labor resources, prevention of irregular migration processes and removal of their negative impacts, creation of the opportunities for the migrants to enjoy their rights and development of the international cooperation.

Moreover, during the past period the international relations, as well as the contractual and legal framework were expanded, a number of significant steps were taken for the development of bilateral and multilateral relations. One of the achievements in this sphere was the “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on the cooperation in the field of migration”, an intergovernmental agreement on the cooperation in the field of migration, which was signed on November 19, 2018.

At present, the Service has prepared about 30 draft international agreements, including readmission agreements on the regulation of return process of our compatriots, who illegally reside in foreign countries, as well as protocols for implementation of these agreements within international legal framework, as well as the bilateral agreements on the cooperation in the field of migration in order to enhance the relations with the migration bodies of foreign states and relevant activities are underway for their signing.

Moreover, in order to simplify the access of foreigners to e-services and minimize the time required for applications to the Service and registration upon place of stay, a new mobile  application of the State Migration Service – “MIGAZ” was introduced. “MIGAZ” – new mobile application of State Migration Service was awarded 3rd place in the nomination of "Electronic government and financial-banking mobile application" at “MilliNet-2018” contest.

The number of e-services rendered to foreigners was also increased from 11 to 14.

During the past period, according to the report on the result of the evaluation on “ASAN Index” for 2017-2018, the State Migration Service demonstrated the highest result (68,98%) among the bodies of central executive power.

Some amendments were made to the Migration and Administrative Offences Codes of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These amendments serve to the improvement of the migration processes in the country according to the requirements of contemporary period, improvement of the state of the citizens, foreigners and stateless persons and labor migrants, increasing their satisfaction, ensuring their convenience transparency and free enjoyment of the rights by foreigners who have family ties and business links in the country.

Furthermore, the scope of the activity of the Service was expanded, as the migration units operating 24 hours in “Samur”, “Astara”, “Shikhli” of the state border checkpoints were launched.

The Service chief talked about particular significance of the organization of awareness and information activities of SMS. In order to deliver the information about migration to the broad audience, a new project in “ASAN Radio” – “Migration Hour” program on Wednesday of each week was launched on October 10. In total, SMS organized 47 awareness-raising events on migration legislation, including 10 higher education institutions of the country, as well as in districts and cities included in the service area of the regional migration departments of the State Migration Service, 20 mobile services, as well as the regional conferences in the direction of increasing the awareness in the field of combat against statelessness. Moreover, taking into consideration the significant increase in the the number of the foreigners coming to the Republic of Azerbaijan on the New Year eve, the month of public awareness was launched from December 15 till January 15. The awareness campaign is conducted in 2 directions – general awareness by video clips and informing the targeted foreigners. 40.000 flyers were published in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages within the campaign. These flyers were presented to foreigners in “Heydar Aliyev International Airport”, “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” CJSC, “Baku International Sea Trade Port” CJSC, “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC, “189 Taxi”, “Park Bulvar” and “Dafne-Dalida” restaurants network.

The Service chief said that today, in the period of enhancement of state support to the private sector and entrepreneurship in the country, the State Migration Service conducts regular meetings with the employers in order to expand cooperation with the entrepreneurs within the framework of its competence. Last year 7 meetings were held with the participation of about 800 employers in total. Taking into consideration the proposals from the business circles, in order to ensure the convenience of the persons, who come to the Republic of Azerbaijan to engage in paid labor activity, the entry visa for labor purposes (labor visa) is included to the list of e-visas which are issued via “ASAN Visa” system.

Vusal Huseynov informed the media representatives on the key statistical figures on the activities of the State Migration Service for 2018.

He informed that in 2018, the entry of 2.845.697 (2.692.219 in the corresponding period of 2017) foreigners and stateless persons to the country was registered. This means 6% increase in the number of foreigners coming to the country.

The Service chief underlined that 740.841 (749.732 according to the corresponding period of 2017) foreigners and stateless persons were registered upon place of stay during the reporting period.

During the year, the State Migration Service received 82.953 applications by foreigners and stateless persons regarding the extension of period of temporary stay in the country, obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits, acquisition, restoration and revocation of citizenship, as well as the establishment of citizenship and determination of refugee status, obtaining work permits for engaging in labor activity and extension of the existing work permits. Within the reporting period, 41.030 persons were issued with temporary, 3220 with permanent residence permits and 6162 were issued with work permits (42.232 temporary residence, 3073 permanent residence and 8725 work permits in the corresponding period of 2017).

V.Huseynov underlined that the measures against illegal migration is one of the main activity directions. Within the reporting period, 19.210 (21.678 according to the corresponding period of 2017) decisions were made by the Service regarding the violation of migration legislation. This means 11% decrease in the number of people who violated the requirements of the migration legislation compared with the past period.

The Service received 27.509 (31.507 in the corresponding period of 2017) applications regarding the establishment of citizenship.

464 citizens were readmitted to the Republic of Azerbaijan from foreign countries.

The number of people residing on the basis of refugee status in the country increased 16%. At present, the number of such persons is 78 (47 applicants with 31 family members). (67 persons in the corresponding period of 2017 (44 applicants with 23 family members)).

The “Call Center” received 103.741 calls (107.172 calls in the corresponding period of 2017).

650 persons applied for the reception by the Chief of the State Migration Service.

The Service chief gave detailed information about the issues to be relived in the future, as well.

Finally, the Service chief answered the questions of media representatives.

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