
Meeting held with the diplomatic missions of foreign countries at State Migration Service

On January 15, 2019 on awareness-raising event with the competent officials of the diplomatic missions and consulates of the foreign countries accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan was held at State Migration Service.

The event was aimed at informing the representatives of the diplomatic missions about the innovations in the field of migration.

Making an opening speech, Deputy chief of the Service, III rank state migration service counselor Parviz Musayev gave detailed information on the recent amendments to the migration legislation, measures carried out by the Service, as well as the activity of the migration units of the State Migration Service at the border checkpoints. He noted that favorable conditions have been created for the foreigners’ arrival, recreation and residence in our country. The legislation has been simplified. We try to ensure convenience of foreigners in our country so that they leave Azerbaijan with pleasant impressions.

The National project manager of the International Center for Migration Policy Development Elnur Nasibov informed about successful development of the effective cooperation between SMS and ICMPD, as well as importance of the “MOBILAZE” project.

Then reports were made by Chief of Migration Policy and Legal Support Head Department Vahid Gahramanov on “Migration legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and recent amendments to the legislation”, Deputy Chief of the Baku Regional Migration Department Islam Agayev on “The activities of migration units of the State Migration Service at the border checkpoints of the country” and employee of Migration Process Analyses and Information Support Head Department Ilgar Alizada on “MIGAZ” mobile application.

At the end of the event the questions of the event participants were answered.

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