
Great Leader Heydar Aliyev commemorated at State Migration Service

Memory of national neader Heydar Aliyev, world class politician who lives as a founder and savior statesman in the memory of our people and left an eternal trace in our modern history of statehood, was revered by the State Migration Service.

The event started with the performance of the National Anthem.

Firstly, memory of great leader Heydar Aliyev was revered with one-minute’s silence.

Speaking at the event the Chief of the State Migration Service, Vusaı Huseynov reminded exclusive services of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the history of our people and solution of vital issues. He stated that all the achievements of Azerbaijan since the 70s of the last century are directly linked with the name of national leader Heydar Aliyev. After the restoration of the state independence of Azerbaijan, the crisis facing our republic and the threat of the collapse of our state were recalled with the historic facts. He drew attention to the fact that the outstanding political and state figure Heydar Aliyev had solved the problems faced by the Azerbaijani people due to great difficulties after his return to the political power in 1993 and the Armed Forces had been formed under a single command.

Later on Deputy Chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, III rank state migration service counselor Parviz Musayev made a speech about the life and activity of great leader Heydar Aliyev. He noted that worldwide politician Heydar Aliyev lives in our people’s memory as a founder and savior statesman. Azerbaijan has become a prestigious state with political foresight, wisdom and determination of the great leader. As a result of the far-sighted domestic and foreign policy of Heydar Aliyev our country’s reputation has increased, comprehensive development has been obtained and our independence has become eternal and irreversible.

It was noted that great leader Heydar Aliyev managed to attract attention of the world’s leading countries, international organizations to our republic and create a turning point in foreign policy of our country. After great leader’s return to power our country became a member of a number of prestigious international organizations thanks to his balanced foreign policy. As a result of the successful oil strategy, political and economic reforms conducted by the national leader, the “Contract of the Century” was signed in Baku. It was emphasized that the oil and gas pipelines such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum are the outcomes of the successful policy of the great leader.

Effective steps taken towards democracy and independence by the savior of our people, the founder of contemporary Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev were stressed at the event. It was noted that today Ilham Aliyev who is the worthy political successor of Heydar Aliyev successfully continues political course of the great leader. This political course was tested through hard and vital problems such as preserving and strengthening our state independence, raising international image of our country, achieving social and economic progress.

Later on event participants watched the documentary film dedicated to the life and political activity of the national leader.

Afterwards the management of the State Migration Service and a group of migration officials honored the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honor.

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