
On November 27 Chief of State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov met with Director General of the International Organization for Migration Antonio Vitorino within the framework of official visit to Geneva

Head of the delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, participating in the 109th session of the Council of the International Organization for Migration, Chief of the State Migration Service, V. Huseynov congratulated A. Vitorino on his election as Director General of the organization and expressed his satisfaction with the current state of cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the International Organization for Migration. Chief of the Service gave detailed information about the activities carried out by the Government of Azerbaijan and future plans for strengthening efficient migration management in the country.

Director General of the International Organization for Migration A. Vitorino thanked to the Chief of State Migration Service V. Huseynov for the support provided by the Government of Azerbaijan to the activities of the organization. Hıghlighting the successful continuation of the bilateral cooperation, the Director General welcomed the work done in the field of migration management in Azerbaijan and expressed his willingness to continue the support to the Azerbaijani government in migration processes management in the future.

The perspectives of cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the International Organization for Migration were discussed during the meeting and exchange of views carried out about the issues on the agenda of the international migration.

Chief of the State Migration Service, V. Huseynov, invited Director General A. Vitorino to visit Azerbaijan.

On the first day of the session the International Organization for Migration adopted resolutions on the election of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a member, the International Monetary Fund and the International Emergency and Development Aid as observers of the organization.

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