
Chief of State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov: “Migration creates serious problems when it is not regulated”

These ideas were voiced at the Business Forum organized by the Caspian European Club with the participation of the Chief of the State Migration Service, Vusal Huseynov.

Speaking at the event, Chief of the State Migration Service, Vusal Huseynov gave detailed information about the importance of the forum, measures taken to regulate migration processes in the world, as well as our country, the activity of the State Migration Service and the innovations applied. He noted that the annual meetings with the members of the Caspian European Club will further contribute to the development of dialogue between the public and private sectors, as well as increasing transparency in our country.

Underlining that there are more than 258 million international migrants in the world, regulation of migration processes, as well as labor migration is one of the most pressing problems across the world, Chief of the Service emphasized the importance of maintaining the processes in this area in the centre of attention at all times: “On the one hand, migration provides people with many benefits and opportunities. However, this process creates serious problems when not regulated. For this reason, ensuring safe, orderly and regular migration is one of the priorities of the whole world”.

V.Huseynov stated that regulation of migration processes in accordance with international norms and national legislation, as well as protection of the rights of migrants, including migrant workers and their family members, as well as facilitation of migration rules for increasing attractiveness in terms of investment is one of the priorities for the Republic of Azerbaijan set by President Ilham Aliyev. From this point of view, the State Migration Service regularly makes proposals to make amendments to the legislation based on the analysis on the application of rules in the area of migration.

The Service chief highlighted that taking into consideration the proposals from business circles, entry visas for labor purposes had been included to the list of electronic visa types issued through the ASAN visa system in order to ensure the convenience of those coming to our country to engage in paid labor activity. Vusal Huseynov informed the participants that the process of establishing SMS units at the land borders of Azerbaijan was continued, the Baku Regional Migration Department would be operating soon in line with modern requirements after major maintenance, as well as the work on developing the official mobile application of the Service would be completed soon. The launch of this application will facilitate the access of foreigners to e-services, as well as minimize the time spent on applications to the Service and the registration of upon place of stay: “Another important project is the development of a new webpage that will serve as a general information platform and deliver information on the country, as well as the requirements of the legislation in an explicit language. Intensive work is continued in this direction”.

Chief of the State Migration Service, Vusal Huseynov was awarded with the Honorary Membership Certificate of the Caspian European Club.

Afterwards Chief of the Service answered the questions of company managers and representatives, as well as media representatives.

During the meeting the proposals of the business forum participants, as well as issues interesting the member companies of the Caspian European Club were discussed.

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