
Short-term training at State Migration Service

Regular trainings and seminars are held in order to improve vocational training of employees working in the headquarters of the State Migration Service, as well as the institutions included to the Service. The next short-term training from this series was on "Responsibilities for violation of the migration legislation and the provisions envisaged by the Code of Administrative Offenses".

The trainings organized jointly by the Staff and Staff Training Department and the Training Center covered issues of strengthening the requirements of the law in the activity of migration bodies, prevention of negative cases, application of relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses in daily service and elimination of the shortcomings while drafting statements and protocols.

In addition, seminars were held on the legislation on identification of victims of human trafficking, investigation of the assumptions on migrants’ being the victim and referring them to relevant authorities, improving the skills of working with potential victims, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Administrative Execution", investigation of cases of violations of the migration legislation, administrative measures, as well as the basis and rules of expulsion of stateless persons from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the end of the training questions of the listeners were answered and exchange of views was carried out on activity directions.

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