
Meeting of the Public Council under the State Migration Service

At the meeting Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov gave information about the activities carried out to ensure full transparency of the services provided to foreigners and stateless persons in the field of migration and satisfaction of applicants according to the instruction of the President of the country Mr. Ilham Aliyev. He stated that significant steps are taken in the direction of the protection of the rights and freedoms of foreigners and stateless persons in the country, fight against illegal migration, as well as elimination of statelessness.

Emphasizing the importance of public control over the quality of services the Service chief underlined the importance of effective cooperation with the Public Council. He mentioned that the Public Council will further contribute to better realization of flexibility and transparency in ensuring satisfaction of the applicants as the main priority of the SMS.

Afterwards the members of the Public Council under the State Migration Service expressed their opinions and suggestions.

The Council discussed a wide range of issues on the expansion of the rights of foreigners and stateless persons in our country, better protection of their legal interests, regulation and improvement of migration processes.

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