
Chief of State Migration Service: “Propaganda and promotion of legal migration is an effective tool in combating illegal migration”

An event on "Parliamentarians and Sustainable Development Goals: Multilateral Approaches in Combating Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling" was held in the Milli Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Detailed information about the realized issues, measures carried out in the sphere of fight against human trafficking in the country and their outcomes was delivered in the event held with the participation of Vice-Speaker of the Milli Majlis Bahar Muradova, committee chairpersons, members of parliament, chiefs of services, representatives of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the European Union (EU) in Azerbaijan, as well as representatives of the state authorities, non-governmental organizations and experts.

Chief of State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov appreciating the activity of the workshop, noted that the issues of progressive and purposeful policy on combating trafficking in human beings in the country, prevention of crimes in this sphere, protection of victims, restoration of their rights and providing social rehabilitation were always kept in the center of attention by the head of state. He mentioned that there were around 260 million migrants in the world.  Expansion of the global scale of migration day by day increases the number of those intending to benefit from these processes with negative purposes for their interests. Therefore, providing the secure, regular and legal migration is one of the key priorities of the whole world. The “National Action Plan on combating trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2018”, approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed on July 24, 2014 demonstrates the sustainability of the fight against human trafficking and illegal migration at all levels in Azerbaijan.

Service Chief noted that as a result of measures taken by SMS, a number of illegal migration channels has been identified, persons, who were charged for bringing foreigners to the Republic of Azerbaijan by deceiving with various promises and organizing illegal migration and the fraud were brought to liability. The Chief of SMS Vusal Huseynov told that the most effective tool to combat illegal migration was the propaganda and promotion of legal migration. He underlined the importance of continuation of relevant measures to raise awareness on human trafficking, the essence of illegal migration and the threats stemming from them. The Chief of the Service noted that Azerbaijan's efforts in fight against human trafficking have contributed to the international image of our country over the past years and wished success to the activity of the workshop which was continued with panel discussions.

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