
A round table dedicated to refugees and asylum seekers

"Protection of refugees and asylum-seekers from removal and forced return; Court decisions on asylum-related cases” were discussed at the round table organized by the State Migration Service, UNHCR's Representation in Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe Office in Azerbaijan.

Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov stated in his opening speech that the number of refugees and persons in need across the world is increasing day by day as a result of the emergence of new conflicts in various countries. Our country has acceded to international conventions related to this vulnerable group. Though over one million refugees and internally displaced persons have been subjected to Armenian aggression since the early 1990s, the Republic of Azerbaijan receives asylum seekers from third countries. State Migration Service takes measures to fulfill the responsibilities arising from international obligations, to create favorable conditions for foreigners and stateless persons to apply for refugee status and to live safely in the country. At present, the number of foreigners from third countries, granted refugee status by the Government of Azerbaijan is 75.

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Azerbaijan, Zoltán Hernyes and UNHCR Representative in Azerbaijan, Guido Ambroso spoke about the international experience on the topic and the measures taken in this regard.

Presentations were delivered on the current migration and asylum situation in Azerbaijan and discussions were held on the relevant instruments and standards of the Council of Europe in the context of migration and asylum.

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