
State Migration Service held awareness event in Gobustan

State migration service held an awareness raising event on the “Legalization of foreigners and stateless persons resided illegally in Azerbaijan, elimination of statelessness” in Gobustan district, which is included to service area of Aghsu regional migration department.

The deputy head of the executive power of the region Maharat Akbarov spoke about the essence of the problem at the event, held with the participation of the foreigners and stateless persons resided within the territory, persons in stateless situation, representatives of region’s village administrative territorial districts and municipal members, as well as relevant state, court and law-enforcement bodies, education and health servants and members of public organizations. On behalf of the participants of the event he thanked to the leadership of State Migration Service for the organization of such awareness raising event in order to provide the citizen satisfaction.

Afterwards, authorized officials of SMS provided detailed information about “History of establishment, development and activity directions of State Migration Service” to the participants. It was noted that serious issues have been done in the direction of awareness raising and enlightenment on fight against statelessness, as well as the requirements of international conventions the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to.

The participants of awareness raising event were informed about addendums and amendments made to the migration legislation. Moreover, registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon the place of stay in the country, temporary residence, rules of temporary and permanent residence, as well as citizenship issues were comprehensively talked about using video slides prepared by the Service.

The participants of the event were presented the booklets designed by SMS and required list of documents, their questions of interest were answered.

At the end of the event the applicants were delivered mobile service on the admission to and establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as issuance of temporary residence permits, relevant applications of the persons were received.

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