
Chief of State Migration Service met with the Ambassador of Turkey

Chief of State Migration Service (SMS) Vusal Huseynov met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Azerbaijan Erkan Ozoral in the administrative building of the Service.

Chief of the Service spoke about the achievements of Azerbaijan and measures taken in the direction of regulation of migration processes in the country. He told that growing interest to the country in the international scale in recent years and Azerbaijan’s tourism opportunities increased the number of visitors coming to Azerbaijan from different countries of the world, as well as from Turkey. Azerbaijani state realizes substantial measures in order to provide the convenience of the citizens, foreigners and stateless persons on migration issues. Thus, the migration legislation is further improved. The recent amendments in the Migration Code, as well as reforms carried out by SMS serve to better management and regulation of migration processes in the country.

Vusal Huseynov touched the enhancement of contractual and legal framework for the regulation of mutual relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the field of migration.

Ambasador Erkan Ozoral noted that the achievements of Azerbaijan in all spheres were the source of proud for Turkey. He spoke about cooperation opportunities among relevant bodies of both countries. He also noted that he would do his best to enhance the effective cooperation among both countries during his activity in Azerbaijan.

Opinion exchange was held on mutual cooperation and other issues in the field of migration in the meeting.

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