
Meeting with the members of the refugee communities settled in Azerbaijan held at State Migration Service

A meeting with the members of the refugee communities settled in Azerbaijan was held at State Migration Service (SMS) within the framework of "Peace month" declared in our country on the occasion of 21 September - the “International Day of Peace”.

At the event held with the participation of UNHCR representative, exchange of opinion was conducted on integration and social protection of the persons, who obtained refugee status, as well as issues on protection of their rights.

The fundamental rights and obligations of refugees and asylum seekers were discussed at the meeting. Acting Chief of Refugee status determination department of SMS Aydan Seyidova gave information about the measures taken related with the members of this vulnerable group in Azerbaijan.

It was mentioned with regret that millions of people have become forced migrants as a result of breech of the peace and stability in various parts of the world. World’s need for more peace today was also noted.

It was also highlighted that in spite of existence of more than one million refugees and IDPs in our country, the Republic of Azerbaijan respects international norms of law and requirements of international conventions, fulfills its obligations, receives asylum seekers from other countries and provides safe living conditions for them. It was mentioned that Azerbaijan has acceded to 1951 UN Convention on Status of Refugees, as well as its 1967 Protocol. Over the past period, a number of laws have been adopted and normative legal acts have been approved in order to implement international obligations and regulate asylum procedures.

The basic privileges of asylum seekers and persons, who obtained refugee status and their family members in Azerbaijan have been provided in compliance with the legislation. Refugees registered by State Migration Service, persons, who applied for obtaining refugee status, as well as persons under the protection of UNHCR and their children have the right to get education free of charge in secondary schools, as well as in higher educational institutions in accordance with the existing legislation. Relevant measures are carried out to ensure the employment of asylum-seekers and persons obtained refugee status and to assist them in finding jobs in accordance with the needs of the labor market. Necessary measures are taken to improve healthcare and resolution of the medical problems of refugees, as well as these issues are kept in the center of attention together with the Ministry of Health.

During the meeting, information was delivered about the main obligations of refugees, and community members` questions regarding registration upon place of stay and compliance with the migration legislation were answered.

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