
State Migration Service held a seminar on the occasion of the International Peace Day in Guba

September 21 is celebrated as International Peace Day annually. On this occasion, the “International Peace Day” is held in Azerbaijan from August 21 to September 21.

According to the action plan approved by State Migration Service, a seminar was held in Guba district which is a service area of Khachmaz Regional Migration Department. The seminar first focused on the history, goals and objectives of the International Peace Day, as well as activities of UN in this direction. It was noted that this remarkable day, which began to be celebrated since 1982 was established by UN General Assembly Resolution on November 30, 1981. It was brought to attention that Azerbaijan has always been a peaceful nation and it has repeatedly proved this mission throughout history. It was noted that the world needs more peace today.

Then the report on “The provision of labor and family reunification rights of migrants in the Republic of Azerbaijan” was presented. It was reported that over the past years the Republic of Azerbaijan has joined a number of international conventions in order to protect the rights of migrants and their families. Today, Azerbaijan expands its cooperation links with other countries in the field of social protection of migrants and realizes joint projects. Within the cooperation framework, advanced and innovative experience in the field of migration is being studied.

The questions interested participants were answered at the end of the event.

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